The SEO copy writing is the art of combining the optimization for search engines (SEO) with good writing . It plays an important role in a web marketing plan and it is essential to generate traffic to any site. The successful way to improve the performance of our web site in the results of search engines is to produce quality content that both users and the search engines will love.How does Google determine the usefulness of a page? How to decide the relative ranking of all pages that are relevant to a given query ? L ‘ algorithm Google uses more than 200 parameters to make this decision , but the intrinsic qualities of the contents of a page is the number one factor .
These 14 tips will help you figure out what you can do to improve the content of your site and get them to “love ” by search engines .
1 . Write well!
This advice may seem obvious, but remember that the most important thing for SEO writing is to create valuable content, not just for search engines, but also for visitors in the flesh . “Content is king” : this is the mantra of any SEO expert or conscious web developer. Google and other search engines love content useful and well written . If users find your content useful, it will link to report it. When Google finds these inbound links , the ranking ( ranking ) of that page climbs higher , which in turn will bring more visitors .
2 . Use the h1 tag for the title
If you are using the h1 tag for the title, Google will hold the title in extreme consideration , especially if the words of the title are also present in some other part of the text. The h1 tag allows you to achieve a high degree of attention to the keywords you choose . The h1 tag is a very important part for SEO copywriting and in general for all the SEO, can improve the results of the search engine very quickly.
You should also use the h2 tags for sub- paragraphs, and H3 tags for sub-sub- paragraphs. If you do your part in a hierarchical manner , Google will give a lot value .
3 . Repeat the keywords in a natural way
The main keyword you are targeting should appear at the beginning, in a few paragraphs (not necessarily in all ) and somewhere near the end , but always in a natural way , without forcing the writing. Once you have done this, just concentrate on producing content particularly useful and comprehensive. Do not fill your articles with keywords , as this can be considered spam by the search engines ( keyword stuffing ) . You will also far less likely to receive inbound links, if the writing is of little value. Do not bother with tools to calculate the keyword density , are just a waste of time ( as I explained in this post) .
4 . Use bold, italics, underline
When you emphasize a word in italics , bold, or sottolineanda , search engines assume that it is a key word. Use this to the advantage of your SEO copywriting to tell Google what are the keywords. The downside is that you should only use for keywords , or you will confuse the search engines and will weaken the effect.
5 . Make good use of META tags
e DESCRIPTION.”>Use your keywords in <title> and DESCRIPTION. We will appreciate if the TITLE and DESCRIPTION tags are relevant . Do not repeat more times the keywords in these (or other ) tag , as this could be considered spam.
6 . Make numbered lists
For some reason people love lists , try to present some of your items as numbered lists, such as ” 10 ways to improve your ranking on Google .” Lists are easy to digest and very popular among bloggers .
7 . Watch out for file names
Using the keyword in the file name (images or documents) will have an SEO benefit . You should also use keywords to name the directory where the file is . In this way, all your URLs will be made by the domain name followed by keywords relevant to the content of the page (type / images – seo / seo- copywriting.jpg ) .
8 . Put internal links
Making Cross -linking between your pages will ensure that PageRank is shared between the articles of your website , not good that a page massively exceed the others. Interconnettete your pages with contextual links whose anchor text is relevant to the landing page. In addition to spreading PageRank of all your website, this technique will also help you tell Google what to treat your pages.
9 . Put external links helpful
Links to useful sites is vital for SEO copywriting. It ‘ been shown experimentally that, other things being equal , pages with outgoing links have a higher Google ranking than pages without outgoing links. You should only link to pages that are relevant to the content of your page. You should also be careful which sites you link to has not been penalized by Google , or your page will be penalized in turn .
10 . Have a high ratio of text – code
For proper SEO Copywriting, pages should have a high ratio of text and code in favor of the text, this is also known as signal-to- noise ratio ( signal- to-noise ratio ) . This is the quantity of text relative to the amount of code. If you view the source code of a page (in Internet Explorer , this is done by right-clicking the mouse on the page and then click ” HTML” ) , there should be a lot more text than HTML code. The search engines will love it. If you write an article of 700 words with a clean, simple HTML code , the signal to noise ratio will be high and the search engines will love it.
11 . Do not use Flash !
Flash is the worst enemy of SEO ( along with the frames , now almost completely disappeared ) . Flash takes a long time to load and the contents can not be read by search engines : all the information embedded in a Flash file will not be indexed, and the key point of SEO is to make the content visible and understandable to search engines. Flash also irritates users and push them away (including myself) .
12 . Do not use frames
There is no doubt about it: the frames suck. The frames are the exact opposite of the principle fondamantale of navigation on the web : web pages single, uniquely identifiable . They then completely destroy the chances of a website to get high rankings on search engines. If a website uses frames, the only page that the search engines will index is the home page .
13 . Use synonyms, plurals, grammatical variations and related words
One of the implications of the ” srcivere good” is used interchangeably, linguistic variations , plurals and words that belong to the same semantic field of the keyword (eg “home” and “apartment” ) . If you use the same keywords repeated over and over again , the search engines will “think” that the article is shallow and not very useful ( or even spam). On the contrary , it is best to use a large vocabulary and relevant to the topic , the search engines will deduct the item is authoritative , deep and useful. Google’s ability to determine the true value of a piece of writing by examining other words, in addition to the keywords is known as Latent Semantic Indexing . For this reason, it is important to use synonyms of keywords , in addition to the keywords for which you want to index .
14. The connections must be incorporated into the text, not isolated in mini – linkfarm
The connections must be part of a sentence (like the links in this article ) . The link blocks tend to be discounted for Google. More substantial is the block of text to which they belong , the better for your SEO Copywriting .